Invest in Authentic Relationships

Rewire Bias

Unconscious bias is a fact of life.

We are programmed from infancy with unwritten rules. We are most often not even aware they exist, yet they impact us daily.

To consciously recognise our biases means we can rewire, with free will.

Give your team the tools to see people as they are; without hidden filters of judgement affecting their vision.

Learn to know your inner psyche

Recognise your current mindset & conditioning 

Communicate Without Prejudice

It’s easy to be caught up in a stance or view point and to let that spill into other discussions.

It’s harder to remain neutral, especially in our busy days.

So we waste time and erode relationships by not being fully “present”

Help your team to be “in the now” for meetings and discussions.; and “present” to the true matter in hand.

Question your choice origin

Unravel the preconceptions in your decisions

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Check Out Your Ego

Our most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves.

Who we think we are can often create a barrier to honest communication and authenticity.

Help you team recognise their ego, learn to leave it out of meetings and strategies.

We will always have our ego, but we can understand it’s impact and feed it less often.

Who's behind the mask?

Without your ego, who are you?

Practice Forgiveness

People make mistakes and act out of character. Particularly now, in this uncertain environment.

We often carry grudges with us, affecting our current reality, decisions and enjoyment.

Help your team to let go of the grudges and anger; and deal with issues at the time without unhealthy and unproductive residue.  

Relationships are reflections

What we dislike in others, is part of us too

Reveal how this will benefit you